blank slate jewelry wholesale What does virtual trading mean? What is the use?

blank slate jewelry wholesale What does virtual trading mean? What is the use?

1 thought on “blank slate jewelry wholesale What does virtual trading mean? What is the use?”

  1. gold filled wholesale jewelry miami Calculate the transaction volume per minute on the day of the transaction time, and then take this value to the number of minutes throughout the day. It is estimated that the approximate transaction volume of the day is generally more accurate after half a day. Because the formula algorithms are different, each formula estimation value is different. Some have joined the transaction volume per minute of the previous trading days as a reconciliation, and the forecast is closer. The virtual transaction volume is dynamic after opening, and it is adjusted according to the latest transaction situation at any time. There is an estimated significance that it can read today or shrink through the volume of today.

    It what is the difference between virtual trading and transaction volume?
    1. Different properties: The volume of transaction is the number of transactions in a unit in a time unit. Virtual trading volume is an indicator for replacing the sub -diagram.
    2, the number of transactions is different: The total number of stocks traded on the day during the transaction volume (1 hand = 100 shares). The virtual transaction volume is not.
    3. The stock price is different: The more the transaction volume is if it appears in the state of the large market, the stronger the signal. The virtual transaction volume is not.
    The so -called stock transaction volume is the number of stocks traded on the day, that is, the turnover to all stock transactions (1 hand = 100 shares) of the day after the day The degree of activity of individual stocks or markets helps us to choose the best time to select and buy and sell from many stocks.

    The stock transaction volume must be good?
    The turnover of the stock is not directly connected with the quality of the stock. Only about the price of this stock, it is said that the buyers and sellers have very different differences.
    It like some popular stocks, the buyers think that the price will rise, the selling person thinks that the price will fall, the two parties will have a large difference, the transaction volume will be very high, and the transaction volume will be very low.
    The transaction volume usually combines the trend of the stock price. Starting to sell stocks at this time, chasing up needs to be alert; when the trend of the stock is falling, its transaction volume will decrease. If there is no difference in buyers and sellers, it will be great to continue to fall in the future.

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