2 thoughts on “How long can a newborn wear a gold bracelet”

  1. The elders in the family usually send all kinds of gifts not long after the baby is born, such as clothes and toys, which are definitely essential. Some also send gold chains and silver bracelets, which means that the baby can be safe and smooth. However, few people may know that a baby is not suitable for wearing silver bracelets at birth. So, how old can the baby wear silver bracelets

    generally speaking, babies can wear silver bracelets after they are full moon. However, of course, it is recommended to buy a larger silver bracelet, and regularly take the silver bracelet to clean, so as not to put it into the mouth and damage the stomach when the baby is bored. Moreover, if the bracelet turns black after the baby wears the silver bracelet, it may be that there is sulfur pollution near the baby. Parents need to take the baby away from the contaminated place to prevent the baby's physical development from being unhealthy

    the family likes to bring silver bracelets to the baby because there are various advantages for the baby to bring silver bracelets. First, the silver bracelets can expel the fetal poison in the baby, and have the intention of exorcising evil and soothing the spirit, bringing peace to the baby. Second, silver jewelry can accelerate wound healing, prevent infection, purify water quality, prevent bacterial growth, etc., which is very suitable for babies

    however, some babies have special physical conditions, and they may have allergies after wearing silver bracelets. Parents need to remove the silver bracelets in time and take the baby to the hospital for examination. Or the baby is young and likes to swallow the parts on the bracelet, causing suffocation and injuring the body. Moreover, the baby wears real silver, which is easy to be stared by thieves and injured. Therefore, parents need to put silver ornaments on their babies.

  2. How old can the baby wear gold bracelets?
    after the full moon, it can be taken. Because the baby is small, it is better to buy a larger one. Moreover, the bracelets should be cleaned regularly at the counter. Anyway, most counters have the sign of free cleaning. Regular cleaning is also responsible for the health of the baby
    but baby gold bracelets are not safe to wear. Generally speaking, it is customary to wear silver bracelets for babies. The health care effect of silver bracelets on the body is actually greater than that of gold. First, silver bracelets can absorb some toxic substances in the baby's body. Second, silver bracelets are harder and less easy to break

    What are the advantages of wearing gold bracelets for babies?
    1. First of all, because the formation process of gold is very long and contains many trace elements, it has an anti-oxidation effect, which can inhibit the human body from producing a large amount of peroxides and free radicals, and reduce the invasion of harmful substances to children
    2. Secondly, in addition to being beneficial to the body, there is a folk saying that wearing gold jewelry can help children grow up healthily
    3. Gold jewelry has various beautiful meanings, such as auspicious and safe, pursuing good luck and avoiding bad luck

    what should babies pay attention to when they wear gold bracelets
    1. Nowadays, there are many gold styles, such as the gold ornaments with sharp edges and complicated shapes, which are not suitable for babies. It is best to choose gold jewelry designed for children, such as gold bracelets with smooth surface, which is not easy to scratch the delicate skin of children. And it is better to wait until the child is 1 year old
    2. If you want to ward off evil spirits, you can wear a small jade object for your baby, such as Guanyin pendant. Because people's allergic reaction to jade is very low, and jade can also play the role of exorcism. The combination of gold and jade can also be considered
    3. The red rope is woven with gold, which makes it more lovely and fashionable to wear. The red rope can protect the body, pursue good luck and avoid bad luck, and eliminate disasters
    4. The gold Zodiac Pendant and long-life lock worn by the baby are also good, implying auspiciousness and peace, pursuing good luck and avoiding bad luck.

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